The Big-K Kmart Plaza, Ephrata, Pennsylvania
The Big-K Kmart Plaza was sold in June, 2006 | all information current as of then
Property Details
Plaza Properties: Big-K KMart, Fulton Bank and vacant parcel (listed as “Parcel C”) ready for development.
Parcel Details:Tax District 270; Map 7M, Block 10, Lots 8 and 10
Location: At Rothsville Road (L.R. 36060) and South State Street (U.S. 272) Ephrata Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Lot Size: 11.5 Acres zoned Commercial / Retail
Zoning: Highway Commercial Zoning, Ephrata Township
Utilities: Electric, Telephone and Data to the site. Public water and sewer
Ingress / Egress: Cross Access through the K-Mart parking lot and entrances
Big-K Kmart |
Fulton Bank |

Big-K Kmart Plaza, Ephrata, PA

Big-K Kmart Plaza, Ephrata, PA